Best of 2006: Mini-series

DC spewed out a ton of mini-series after the Crisis wrapped up, and Marvel responded with plenty of its own, both running alongside Civil War and standing alone. With so many choices, it’s probably no surprise that the Doomers all came up with a different choice for this award.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingX-Men: Deadly Genesis

“Deadly Genesis was a long time coming. While I wish Banshee was still around, I was glad to see a resolution to the Summers brothers dilemma.”
— Doominator

Marvel Zombies

“Although it technically began in 2005, the bulk of the Marvel Zombies mini-series was released in 2006. Marvel Zombies was part of a very small group of titles released in 2006 that weren’t bogged down with the continuity of the day. It was just a classic, fun superhero story, except in this case the superheroes were flesh eating zombies. Marvel Heroes + zombies + Robert Kirkman + sweet covers = Best Mini-Series of 2006.”
— Fin Fang Doom

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBatman and the Monster Men/Batman and the Mad Monk

“I’m sure I’m missing something, but at best it would tie with Matt Wagner’s Batman minis.”
— Jim Doom

Alex, I’ll take Potpourri

“This is probably the hardest category for me to choose in this year. Both of Matt Wagner’s Batman series are great and on equal footing with Detective Comics as the best source for Gotham tales. DC’s Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters was also really good, at least until the latest issue. And Marvel was stellar in the minis with the insanely fun Marvel Zombies, and the underrated Bullet Points and Agents of Atlas.”
— Jean-Claude Van Doom

“I’ve really enjoyed Trials of Shazam, and I loved Secret Six. One of my favorite moments of the year came during the last issue of Secret Six, when Ragdoll hugs the Mad Hatter, after which he casually shoves the Hatter off the side of a cliff. Beautifully done.”
— Doom DeLuise