Book of Doom: Bullet Points

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWelcome back to another weekend with the Doomers. This time we’re all kicking back around the fiery gates of hell and reading the first issue of Bullet Points, by J. Michael Stracynski. It’s essentially a “what if?” book, positing the scientist who turned wimpy Steve Rogers into Captain America died before administering his super serum.

I was pretty annoyed with the introduction, in which this murder is compared to the assassinations of Gandhi, JFK, MLK Jr. and Franz Ferdinand. It reminds me of Marvel naming a big summer crossover after the most terrible, gruesome event in our nation’s history. That aside, it was interesting though it took ridiculous and unnecessary liberties with the 616 universe this supposedly drifts away from.

The art was particularly good, reminiscent of Steve Epting and Michael Lark. I don’t know if that owes to Tommy Lee Edwards work or if Marvel is utilizing a pseudo-painted coloring and shading effect that makes everything look cool.

For the other Doomers…

Jim Doom phones this one in: I didn’t think about how it’s already Saturday. I haven’t bought comics this week so I have no review.

Fin Fang Doom says: I’m a big fan of Elseworlds stories. One thing DC has always had over Marvel’s What If…? is that DC takes the time necessary to properly introduce you to the alternate universe before they proceed to tell the story. That’s sort of what’s going on here in Bullet Points.

But J. Michael Stracynski just isn’t doing a very good job at it. There were so many times I was pulled out of the story because things just didn’t make sense. Here’s what I’m talking about:

-There’s a big line of people waiting to get the Super Soldier Serum? I thought it was a big secret thing, which explains why they wouldn’t even bother wrtiting down the formula.
-The US Government invents the Iron Man suit before Tony Stark invents the exact same suit 30 years later.? The Iron Man concept could be around earlier than Stark, but not the exact design of the makeshift armor Tony creates.
-Peter Parker and Flash Thompson go to school in Arizona? I could see Pete and May potentially moving there for whatever reason, but I doesn’t make any sense that Flash would go with them.

I do like the idea of Peter Parker becoming some punk kid without the guidance of Uncle Ben. That would fundamentally change the history of Spider-Man (although in this story Pete doesn’t even become Spidey). But Cap putting on a suit of armor instead of getting enhanced abilities doesm’t change the fundamental nature of the character. Steve Rogers still has the heart of a champion even if he doesn’t have the body. So nothing’s really changed there.

I’ll probably keep getting the series, because as I said I love Elseworlds stuff. Hopefully the story sticks with Peter instead of Iron Cap, though.

Lastly, Doom DeLuise says: I don’t have much to say about “Bullet Points.” I think the writing is very entertaining, and the art, especially the splash page where Steve Rogers gets in the Iron Man suit, is fantastic. It’s an interesting take on the Marvel Universe, and a solid first issue to set up what will undoubtedly be a fun read for some time to come. I put in over 100 hours at work this week, so I’d say that my mind is basically fried, so, instead of giving my two cents, consider this my penny. I like “Bullet Points,” and I’m going to buy the next issue, for sure.