My own webcomics recommendations

MG Doom recently made a very valid point that it’s hard to wade through the thousands of web comics to find a few gems. But I’ve also covered my love of xkcd here previously.

So, dear readers, you may be wondering “What should I read?” Well, here’s the unqualified opinion of somebody who owns all four issues of X-Men vs. the Micronauts:

1) Achewood

Chris Onstad has crafted a bizarre world of otters and cats that is always absurd and entertaining. Whether it’s a storyline about “The Great Outdoor Fight” or quick throwaways like the one displayed above, the irreverence of the comic makes it a shining point.

2) Fart Party

Fart Party proprietor Julia Wertz says in her banner that this is not a web comic. I’m not going to disagree with her. However, it is a comic that happens to be available on the web. It’s a dissection and parody of her own life, sometimes in excruciatingly misanthropic detail.

3) Hark! A Vagrant

Week in, week out, Kate Beaton’s history-meets-literature-meets-absurdity comic makes me laugh. Some days, she’s reimagining old book covers and fleshing them out into their own stories. Other times, she’s simplly making a historical figure look clearly insane. But throughout, she’s crafted a hilarious web comic beyond most I’ve read.

4) A Softer World

Three photo panels and a kicker joke. That’s all it takes for Joey Corneau and Emily Horne to etch themselves into the minds of their readership.

5) Pictures for Sad Children

Gallows humor and bizarre situations abound in John Campbell’s comic. The name doesn’t lie – it’s a comic deriving humor from awkwardness, misery and death, but shines through with a wonderful sense of humor.

Disagree? Have your own recommendations? We have a comments section for a reason.