Most Underrated of 2006: Series

X-Factor 14X-Factor

“It’s the best out there, but it’s never listed in that upper crust. Start reading this book!”
-Jean-Claude Van Doom

“Well I don’t know if X-Factor is underrated, but it’s really good, so it will probably get cancelled.”
-Jim Doom Part 1

New Avengers

“And I don’t know if it’s really fair to call it underrated, since it’s a huge seller, but relative to the reviews I see online, I’d say New Avengers is underrated. Based upon the reviews I read, you’d think this thing was a book of self-hexes printed on the rotting walls of a warthog’s lower intestine, but it’s been consistently one of my favorite books month-to-month. I also really enjoy how, during Civil War, it’s been a bunch of standalone stories supplementing the big arc.”
-Jim Doom Part 2

BoP 100Birds of Prey

“It seems like Birds of Prey is that title that everyone has always meant to give a try but never actually has. You can’t deny Oracle is a sweet character, but with a team comprised of also-rans like Lady Blackhawk, Huntress, and Judomaster, I can’t really fault people for being hesitant about the title. Gail Simone does a great job of making the C-listers on the team feel like major leaguers, though. Who would have thought it’d be so hard to sell a book starring a bunch of scantily-clad women?”
-Fin Fang Doom

The Amazing Cop Out

“I don’t pay much attention to what other people say, so I don’t know what’s been panned or praised.”
-Doom DeLuise