Legion of Doom’s Best of 2005- Ongoing Series

Ultimates 2. It may not come out every week. But when it does, it’s heads and tails above everything else. -Jean-Claude Van Doom

WalkingDeadThe Walking Dead. The simple sequence of a zombie falling over because his entrails got caught on another zombie means I don’t have to explain any further why this is the best series going right now, but if need further convincing, stark, black and white art and great writing help, too. -Colonel Doom

The Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman is one of the greatest comic writers today. In fact, I’d put Kirkman’s Invincible as a close second for the best ongoing series of the year. But anything involving zombies is always better than something of the same caliber without zombies, right? Charlie Adlard’s art has been consistently great, even if it’s a little late sometimes. Tony Moore’s covers are good enough to frame (actually, I did). The entire team tells a great story every month (well, almost every month) which may or may not involve an actual zombie, and that’s one of the keys to the series. Who would have thought that a zombie book where the zombies aren’t even an issue could be so exciting? -Fin Fang Doom